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One of the six primary outcomes of the European Youth Roots Project (EYR) is a Training Toolbox, which provides a functional handbook to implement 24 different tools during learning experiences on four themes:

  • Creating awareness for sustainable tourism development
  • Implementing a sustainable, accessible and inclusive tourism business
  • Promoting and marketing a new tourism product
  • Building glocal and innovative tourism networks

The main aim of the EYR Training Toolbox is to provide a practical and hands-on guide to training young adults on inclusive, participatory and sustainable tourism. It includes material for aiding those who can supply training, advice and support to young entrepreneurs. 

For Whom?

The EYR Training Toolbox is geared towards tourism-related associations, consultancy bodies, support organisations for young entrepreneurs, and educational institutions.

One of the motivations for creating this Toolbox is to supplement formal education by entrepreneurship centres in non-formal training settings, contributing to bridging the boundaries between formal and non-formal education. The toolbox will increase the tourism and cultural industry professionals’ skills in implementing and promoting participatory, inclusive and sustainable tourism. It also aims to assist them in creating further projects of this nature with young entrepreneurs and thus a community of young people working on innovative alternatives to mass tourism.

What are the main learning objectives pursued by the Toolbox?

  • Build skills to train youth to recognise, develop and capitalise on sustainable, participatory and inclusive tourism development opportunities
  • Increase skills in developing inclusive projects to provide continuous training to youth in sustainable tourism initiatives

The EYR Training Toolbox relies on the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) as a validation mechanism. EntreComp is an ideal framework due to the EYR project’s focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in young adults to engage in sustainable tourism initiatives. Trainers can validate the learning experiences they offer through this framework.

EntreComp’s Competence Areas (European Commission, 2018)


List of Tools from EYR Training Toolbox (EYR 2022)